BONUS PLAYLIST (July 2024): Best of 2024 (So Far)!
6 months down, plenty of good music on offer.
Can you believe it’s already that time of the year?
Earlier this month, I shared my picks for the best albums released during the first six months of 2024. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say there’s an embarrassment of riches out there for music fans to discover.
It’s also proof that, contrary to what some curmudgeons might say, there is great music being released every week. You just have to look for it.
Or, if looking for music isn’t your thing, subscribe to this newsletter and have recommendations delivered to your inbox on the regular (shameless, I know, but a good segue opportunity shouldn’t go to waste).
As a follow-up to my albums post, here’s my ongoing playlist of my favorite songs of the year so far. I've covered many of these artists and parent records in this newsletter previously, but a good number may be new to some of you. If that’s the case, I envy your first time hearing their talent(s).
Scroll down for Apple Music and Spotify links (and an embed for the latter). If you use another streaming service as your daily driver, copy the playlist to your account using Soundiiz or Tune My Music.
Check back regularly for more playlisting fun. As always, thanks for reading, listening, sharing, and subscribing!
What’s your favorite song of the year so far? Sound off in the comments!
It's hard to believe we've already hit the halfway mark of 2024, but what a year for music it's been. I love that you've curated these tracks, making it easy for us to discover and enjoy the gems we might have missed.
If we’re going by number of plays, I’m pretty sure BODEGA’s “City Is Taken” is mine, with “Mixtape Days” by The Fauns not too far behind.