It's the end of the week, and I want to send everyone off into the weekend with the best vibes possible. That’s why the Daily Music Picks newsletter features a weekly segment called Fun Song Fridays! Regardless of era, genre, or style, the criterion is simple: it must deliver the joy and excitement we all need in our lives.
You can access the entire Fun Song Fridays archive here. A playlist featuring the songs covered with this segment is coming soon!
Hello! 😊👋
Welcome to a new edition of the Best Music of All Time newsletter!
Today’s music pick celebrates the unparalleled good vibes of rap’s first blockbuster success story.
Genre: Hip-Hop, Pop
Label: Capitol
Release Date: May 28, 1990
Vibe: 🔨
Purely from a pop culture staying power perspective, it’s impossible to discuss hip-hop’s rise to prominence without mentioning “U Can’t Touch This.”
It was the first rap track nominated for a Record of the Year Grammy, despite never being released as a single. It propelled its parent album, Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em, to hit Diamond status a little over a year after its initial release, making it the best-selling record of its era (and still one of the biggest-selling hip-hop LPs ever made). It embedded phrases like “Stop! Hammer Time” and its eponymous declaration of personal swagger into the popular vernacular. It’s become so instantly recognizable that Cheetos barely had to write any ad material after including it in a campaign. Even people I’ve met who all claim they don’t listen to hip-hop for whatever reason know this song.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, frankly. I haven’t even covered the iconic dance moves, the also-iconic fashion statement from the music video, the $138 million shoe deal he got because of the song’s success, the MC Hammer doll, the Hammerman cartoon series, and on and on and on. It was the first hip-hop track to achieve a level of pop culture saturation that most consumers take for granted now. To that end, it’s important to acknowledge that, despite all the haters dragging Hammer’s rapping ability (an overstated critique compared to some Soundcloud rappers) and his zeal for “selling out,” he did it first. He proved that hip-hop was more than a niche genre that catered to a small audience with little to no buying power in the music marketplace.
In short, he proved it was possible. He made it achievable.
Also, I don’t care what anyone says—the song is a banger. Always has been. Always will be. With a thicker kick drum and grittier lyrics, “U Can’t Touch This” could’ve easily been part of the Bad Boy oeuvre, with its lovable pop sample and irresistible hooks. However, I wouldn’t actually make that happen. I think getting Biggie behind the mic for this track instead of Hammer would damage its appeal. It wouldn’t be the same creature. Dare I say, it would be far less fun.
This recurring column is called “Fun Song Friday” for a reason, you know.
👉 Don’t forget to click the album image to stream the album on your favorite platform 👈
It *is* a banger! Everyone breaks out in dance. You can’t help it. Anyone who says they don’t is lying.
Oh, definitely. Though it's kind of weird that James didn't win any Grammys for his classic Motown recordings...